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Life Lessons: Getting Ready for The New Year


Hi everyone! And Happy New Year’s Eve!

While going through some last minute arrangements before the new year, I had to reflect back on 2021 and the experiences that I have dealt with in the past year.

This year was not a great year for me. With me going through personal and professional issues, I was feeling as if my head was up against the wall because I felt stuck and didn’t know which direction to go. I have been through so much that I completely stopped writing and just lost all of my motivation. I wasn’t in the right mind frame, which led me to re-evaluate what’s going wrong in my life and focus on the positives. I realized that my job was taking too much of my time, especially if I was trying to grow a successful career as a writer. I wanted more for my life than what I was doing, and I wasn’t happy with it. That’s when I’d learned that there are a lot of things that I want to focus on in the new year, and that’s writing more and working less. I want to go back to when I first started writing and releasing books every three to four months. I want to grow as a writer, and published books that readers want to read and enjoy. That’s why I’m definitely changing my thought process and go back to what I love the most. And maybe I’ll find another job in the process. Who knows.

Now that I gave my New Year’s resolutions, I really hope you all share yours. If you would like, you can comment under the Comments sections.

Also, there is still time to enter into the 12 Days of Christmas giveaway. Please click on the link below to enter to win a huge gift box, which will include a Kindle Fire:

The giveaway will end at midnight on New Year’s Day.

Last, but not least, I want to say Happy New Year to everyone. I really hope you all have a wonderful and safe 2022 filled with happiness and blessings.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Until next time, everyone! 🙂

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