Happy Sunday!! I recently received word from my publisher that No Other Love will be released soon! It’s currently with an editor and the cover will be revealed soon. I am so excited for this series and I cannot wait for you all to read it. Since this is the spin-off and it’s going through my publisher, I know a lot of you are probably wondering will things change with the characters and the storyline. Yes, the plot will be a little different from the original series, but let me assure you that the characters will still be the same. Not only will you get to revisit the original characters, but you get to potentially read other spin-offs in the making (of course with Elise and Jared and with Carla’s cousin, Mika).
There will be some readers who probably never read the LLH series (which I hoped you did!). Don’t worry, you don’t have to read the series to understand what’s going on. But if you want to get to know the characters really well, then you can read the series, especially Love Always, since that is the book that Kevin and Carla were introduced (even though him, Jennifer, Thomas, and Robert were introduced in Trust Me).
Another thing that I need to address is the time line. The year will be 2017. In Love Always, I upped the years to three, in which the series ended around that particular year. Therefore, NOL will start after Love Always and Redemption. I didn’t want anyone to be confused with the flashbacks when I mentioned the time frame is within 10 years when we’re in 2015.
Now that I cleared that up, I’m awaiting on news for part 1. Once I do have news on the release or the cover, I will be sure to let you all know. To get ready for part 1, catch up on the LLH series, which of course is available now on Amazon.
And by the way, I finished part 2 this past Friday, which I have to admit, has a SHOCKING cliffhanger, so I cannot wait for you all to read it (and no one will get shot or die in this series, like in Something Just Ain’t Right)
Until then, happy reading!