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Swirling Around Love Day 2- Theresa Hodge

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Welcome back to day 2 of the Swirling Around Love ‘Multicultural Event’. I’m glad that you all have returned and have brought some friends along with you. Ummm, you did, right? Well, I hope so.

We are celebrating Multicultural Authors and if you missed yesterday’s post, you can check it out here. Today we will be welcoming a very talented, creative and pretty amazing woman.

Here goes …Author Theresa Hodge.


Theresa Hodge is a native of Alabama. She is a loving mother, wife, sister, aunt and friend. She is at her best when she is able to bring happiness to others. She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write fictional stories. She has found writing to be therapeutic, especially during the loss of her oldest sister from breast cancer, a period that birthed her first book series, Ask Me Again. Theresa has gone on to write several more books and have several collaborations in the works, so be sure to check her site regularly for new releases. Theresa also has a love affair with writing poetry. She first started writing poetry at an early age and it has been a part of her growth with writing ever since. If Theresa can bring a smile to your face and encourage along her journey, she considers it a blessing beyond measure. She can be found on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Author Interview

1. What inspired you to become a Multicultural, IR or BWWM Romance writer?

I have always enjoyed reading Multicultural, IR and BWWM romance. But after reading the Breathless series by Shani Greene-Dowdell and the Fear series by Amarie Avant, a passion in me began to slowly build. I felt a rising passion to pursue writing a story of my own. In doing so, with a push from my sister, I wrote Noelle’s Rock and my passion continues to build with every story.

2. Besides writing, what are some of your favorite things?

I enjoy watching movies, reading, spending time with my family and friends, cooking and evening walks as long as it isn’t too hot.

3. Name at least two (2) authors that you admire who write Multicultural, IR or BWWM Romance?

There are a lot of great authors that I truly admire. It’s hard to name just two but I admire S.K. Lessly and DJ Parker. Both are awesome writers.

4. What types or genre of books do you enjoy reading? What are you currently reading?

I enjoy reading anything that catches my interest. Although, I do love myself some romance. I’m finally getting around to reading Fifty Shades of Grey, when I’m not writing.

5. Are you working on anything new? If so, when can we expect it to be released?

I’m working on two holiday romances. I hope to release them in October and November. I’m still debating the titles.

6. Do you have any scheduled upcoming events; such as book signings, interviews, etc.?

No, not at this time.

7. Where do you expect to be in your career as an author five (5) years from now?

I hope to be working alongside of Tyler Perry or someone of his caliber to help bring my books to life on the big screen, television or stage plays.

8. What advice can you give to new authors who’s interested in writing in this genre?

I want to say never give up on writing, even if someone tells you that your writing isn’t good enough. Your type of writing style won’t be for everyone and that’s okay. Be thankful to the ones who encourages you and the readers you do have. Continue to hone your craft and read as much as possible. Every day won’t be the same…some days you will be ready to give up. I say to you, DON’T. Don’t you ever give up on the gift that God has given you. Stay humble and remember to let love flow always.

Special Message From Theresa to You …

Never give up on a dream, be thankful always, never think anyone is beneath you, show respect to others and find beauty where no one think to look. Let us always love those who no one dares to love. There is great beauty in the perfectly imperfect.

Hate hurts the hater more than the hated, no matter how justified it may seem. Forgiving releases us into becoming free and whole again. – Theresa

Book Catalog 

The ‘Noelle’s Rock’ Series

Noelle's Rock 1


I love him enough to let go.

I hope Beau doesn’t take this the wrong way. I just want him to think about the words I’m about to say. I’m pregnant with another man’s child. A fact we seem to forget when we get caught up in our own little universe. I will start to show pretty soon and I don’t want to worry about a reporter popping out of the bushes every time we are together…I think we should end things now before I get hurt in the crossfire of his lifestyle. I have to concentrate on having a healthy baby and being the best mother I can to my baby.


I will never let her go. Ever.

I hold Noelle tight and squeeze her like I never want to let her go. I don’t give a damn if she’s pregnant by another man. Her baby is a part of her, and I will love every part of her. I will be there for her baby in a way that that sorry excuse of a man, Victor, could never man up to be. I love Noelle and her unborn child. I have no qualms about being with her forever, and I didn’t even believe in long-lasting relationships before Noelle. Now that she’s my woman, I don’t ever want to hear her talk about leaving me, ever again.

What would you do if the man you loved threw you out into the night, after you told him you were carrying his child? Would you fight for the love you once had, or walk away and begin to pick up the pieces of your life? Luckily for Noelle Winters, the meeting of a stranger puts her in the right place at the right time to take her out the cold and into the warmth of Rockstar Beau Barringer’s heart. The question is, will this unlikely connection survive color lines, distrust and the skeletons from the past.

 Available for Purchase here.

Noelle's Rock 2


I will love Noelle until she believes what we have is real.

Yes, my lips did meet Courtney’s for the very last time, but there is no chance of us being a romantic couple. My heart totally and unmistakably belongs to Noelle Winters and I have no intention of hurting her. I hope she understands why I had to kiss Courtney goodbye. My heart will surely drop and break at my feet, if I ever lose Noelle. She has become a part of my very existence and, to prove it to her, I’m prepared to introduce her to my family and the world as my one and only love. I will love her until she believes what we have is real.

I am not Beau.

No matter how much my father would like to transform me into my older brother, I can only be me, Hunter Barringer, the youngest of the Barringer clan. I eat and sleep the business of running Barringer Estates, but my unquenchable appetite for many women has led my father to think I am not dependable. So it’s unexplainable why when I walk into a bank in Georgia, Madison Powell’s pleas to a banker unnerve me to my core. Her dark skin and warm brown eyes make me lose all control and I will do anything to save this damsel in distress.

Will Noelle forgive Beau for his betrayal that he committed in front of a crowded room of his fans? Will Hunter get what he wants from Madison, or will his proposition to help her backfire?

Available for Purchase here.

Noelle's Rock 3


Beau loves me unlike any other man ever has or will. I know this deep in my soul. He is my rock, my protector, my husband and my heart. If what we are building is ever taken away from me, I will stop existing. I will stop breathing, for Beau Barringer is my air that fortifies my lungs. He is the rhythm for my heartbeat. He and my newborn son are my reason for living.


Noelle my beautiful Winter Angel is finally completely mine. Our vows on our wedding day deemed us so. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate. Anyone who tries to come between what belongs to me will feel my wrath. These are not only words but a promise. I don’t make idle threats about the woman I love…my heart…my soul…the best part of me…my very existence.

Noelle and Beau Barringer were brought together by accident but bound together by eternal love. Will their love stand the test when trouble visits their happy union and tries to tear them apart? Will fate save them from tragedy or will fate cause their love to be lost forever? All will be revealed in this final installment of Noelle’s Rock 3, the finale.

Available for purchase here.

On The Hunt For Love

Hunter and Madison’s Full Story 

There are some men women can’t resist and there are some women men want to devour.

Hunter Barringer is a man women can’t forget…

Madison Powell is a woman who can capture a man’s heart.


Hunter Barringer is a total stranger, but my heart recognizes him like I have known him forever. He’s a shrewd businessman who doesn’t stop until he gets what he wants and thinks he deserves. He fancies himself my liberator as he sweeps in like a good Samaritan to save my family from the clutches of financial woes. But his assistance is not without great cost to me. Hunter sets a proposal before me that I’m too desperate to turn down. Will my predicament prove worth the risk of this captivating stranger taking control of my heart?


I take one look at Madison and know I will never be able to forget her delectable, rare beauty. She’s a woman that makes a great impression on my mind, even if she is a stranger. The businessman in me sees an opportunity and takes it. Madison has a dilemma, which may just be the opportunity of a lifetime for me. In the game of business, I play to win. After all, I’m the son of real estate tycoon, Billy Barringer, and the brother of world-renown rock star, Beau Barringer. Will my hunt for power to take over my father’s company, lead me on a path to making my biggest acquisition yet?

Expect the unexpected in On The Hunt For Love by Theresa Hodge, the #1 bestselling author of the Noelle’s Rock series.

Available for purchase here.

“Always a bridesmaid, never a bride…” All that Erick Gordon loves can easily be lost, if he doesn’t change this fact about Shelby Monroe. The end is near…much closer than he realizes. World War III, also known as Shelby Monroe, will ensue if he doesn’t come to his senses and soon. But the events from a horrible day in his past, paralyzes him every time he thinks of proposing to the woman he loves.

Shelby realizes her worst fear of forever being a bridesmaid and never a bride. While others close to her celebrate their new marriages, she simmers in resentment of being single. Will she abandon the loving relationship she’s built with Erick because of her demand to be a bride? Or will Eric’s love for her be strong enough to forgive his past and give in to the desires of the only heart that beats in sync with his?

Shelby and Erick must learn that love means patience, endurance, forgiveness and most of all taking chances. Follow the friends of Noelle and Beau Barringer in this enthralling tale of Shelby’s Demand in book 5 of the Noelle’s Rock series.

Available for purchase here.

The ‘Billionaire Wives Club’ Series

Co-Authored with Shani Greene-Dowdell

The Billionaire Wives Club

Ronan Michaels is fine as aged red wine. I’m talking wavy, chestnut brown hair, strong chiseled jawline, prominent shoulders and rugged ivory skin that’s been kissed by the sun. And those silver eyes were enough to make any woman swoon. All the women wanted him, but he chose me… his rarest, precious Ruby of them all, I was his African Queen.

Our wedding day was like a classic fairytale. I felt like a true princess. Ronan, my gallant white knight, made me feel that way. He made me feel beautiful, sexy and oh so desirable. His silver gaze held me captive from the beginning…even now, when it feels like the end… I remember looking into his eyes filled with promise as he vowed his love and devotion to me for a lifetime… I believed him.

Secrets and lies have a way of destroying lives and marriages and making what was once a happy home miserable and unbearable. My secrets…my lies cost me a price I wasn’t willing to pay. Who would’ve ever thought our happiness and love for each other would end up at this point? Not me, Ronan’s sweet Ruby…I never would’ve guessed my best days were behind me and I have no one but myself to blame.

I’m in for the fight of my life… win, lose or draw.

Available for purchase here.

Billionare  Wives Club 2


I’m sorry for everything…

Sweet Jesus! I’ve messed up the best things that ever happened to me. My lust for another woman has caused me to lose everything I value in this life the most. My sweet Ruby and my dear children may be lost to me forever. Now, I’m miserable because of the mess I’ve made. I, Ronan Michaels, have single handedly broken up my family. I have to make it right and fast because there is another man lurking in the shadows, Ruby belongs to me and no other man can or will have her. She’s my beginning and ending. Without her, I will fade away into nothingness.

Can you imagine me without my sweet Ruby?

Never! I will fix what I broke. This is my vow.


Oh God! My once happy home has turned into a place I despise. 

I’m broken…I don’t know if I will ever heal. The pain some days are intolerable. I pray and try to stay strong for my children. Even when I can’t be strong for myself. I didn’t think Ronan could hurt me any more than he already had, but he’s proved me wrong this time. The lies, the betrayal has finally taken its toll on my heart and soul. No apology or confession of his love for me will ever fix this mess. I, Ruby Michaels, have finally had enough! Maybe Ronan and I are better suited apart and in the arms of another.

Will another love me better?

Only time can tell.

Trying to love two is never easy to do. Someone will always get the short end of the stick. You dance with the devil and there is always hell to pay. Will love mend broken hearts and bring a family back together again? Or will the Michaels marriage go up in smoke…leaving nothing but burning embers in its wake.

Available for purchase here.

In the finale of The Billionaire Wives Club, Ronan attempts to right his wrongs by spending a part of his fortune on Ruby. After his brush with death, Ruby comes back to him, but she’s only there in the flesh. Her heart and soul are miles away. No matter how much money Ronan throws at their problems, nothing seems to be able to restore their love back to its purest form. The closer Ronan draws near to her, the further away she drifts into the consoling arms of Darryl Nichols.

Is the once fairytale ending for the perfect couple just that, a fairytale that’s ended now that real life has set in? Will the love they once had for each other bring them closer or will the sweet kisses, soft tongue, and enduring and understanding arms of the other man, Darryl Nichols, help to bring Ruby closure and close the Ronan chapter in her life’s book?

Available for purchase here.

A Piece of Sunday’s Soul

Standalone Novel

Sunday Gallenger was only eighteen when she left home to follow her dreams. She was a sister with big times dreams and plenty of songs in her heart but no place but the privacy of her bedroom to sing them. One day she saw the chance to make her dream come true, so she left home without the blessings of her parents and headed for the bright lights of Nashville, Tennessee. Sunday’s soulful voice and determination to be the best led her to take the impossible chance of becoming the next big country star on a new show called “The American Dream.”

Travis Lee was intrigued by Sunday “Soul” Gallenger. Not only was he one of the top ten country singers of all times, but he was one of the judges on The American Dream. His dark hair and smoldering eyes left women entranced and seeking his attention from all corners of the globe. His wanderlust spirit left a trail of broken hearted women in his wake. That was until the young, talented dark beauty by the name of Sunday showed up at auditions. He was ready to lay down his playboy ways to win Sunday’s heart and soul.

Will the two singers who are so different yet so much alike let their souls make beautiful music together?

Available for purchase here.

Secrets I Should’ve Told You First

(Co-Authored with Jroc)

Secrets I Should've Told You First

Allison McPhearson is at the wrong place at the wrong time, so she has no choice but to do the only thing she knows to do. She must kill Allison McPhearson and run, if she wants to survive. Aidan James is contracted to do a job. Instead of doing that job, he marries Allison. His mark. He brings her nothing but happiness and joy to her new life. But Allison doesn’t know that he’s part of the danger that’s been lurking. Pete “Snake Eyes” Maseretti has secrets that he needs to keep at all cost. He will go to any lengths to protect himself, even if it means hunting down the woman who can bring him down by telling everything she saw. Can Aidan keep Allison safe from the danger that’s lurking or is he the one she should truly be afraid of?

Come along with RESA and JROC on this romantic tale of suspense, intrigue and drama.

Available for purchase here.

Sweet Serenity: A Miami Love Triangle

Serenity Champagne is a woman known to overindulge in delectable treats. She now has an appetite for not only one, but two, delicious vanilla lattes. Her sweetest fantasies threaten to end her year of celibacy, and she is doing everything she can to be strong. When she gets a taste of Jonathan Sheldon, her resolve is undone.

Jonathan, Jon for short, is a tall, malted milkshake that stands roughly six foot three inches tall. He’s handsome with close-cropped, silky, wavy hair and his skin tone is the color of pale butternut squash. He has the type of hair that makes Serenity crave to run her fingers through each and every strand. He has his eye on the sweet temptress, vowing to own her in every way. But Jon is not the only one that has his sights on this sexy vixen…

Meet Jason… Jonathan’s identical twin brother. Jason’s features resemble his brother’s in every way, with the exception that Jason sports long, golden dreadlocks. His eyes are deadlocked on Serenity’s entrancing beauty and he wants her for himself. He is a playboy, unlike Jonathan, but he wants what he wants.

Will Serenity choose one brother to love and live in happiness or will her overindulgence of decadent desserts cause her to satisfy her sweet tooth with both pieces of vanilla chocolate at once?

Available for purchase here.

Loved By Hart


Hart Strong is everything I want in a man. Gone is the pimply faced, nerdy boy that was easy to forget. Hart Strong is now a strapping, toned, viral man who is capable of making my knees weak and my body sizzle to life. I love his sexy ass walk, his smoldering charismatic eyes and the way he makes me feel when I’m in his presence. My ex, Tony, is becoming more and more of a distant memory. This gorgeous blast from my past has come in to sweep me off my feet, make me forget my heartache and demand that I believe in true love again. What a wonderful feeling to be Loved by Hart.

The moment I saw Whitney Martin again, my heart stopped. She’s drop dead gorgeous, strong-willed and super talented. Thank God we landed on the same contract. Now, I get another chance to claim what’s mine. I wasn’t confident back in the day, but now I’m a man who goes after what he wants and I will get it too. I am confident of that fact. Soon enough, Whitney will know what it means to be Loved by Hart.

Take a man who loved and lost, A woman who doesn’t believe in love anymore, An ex who figures out whose team he’s on way too late, and A love connecting best friend who always has her friend’s back–And you have all the elements for a titillating romance story.

Available for purchase here.

Book Excerpt ~ Loved By Hart

Chapter 1


I watch Whitney Martin from a distance. I stand behind a seven-foot-tall, potted plant as its green leaves shield me from view, but I have a clear-cut vision of her as she walks right pass me with another woman by her side. I can’t hear what she’s saying, but, from her body language and hand gestures, she seems to be in deep conversation with the woman as a frown mars her stunning face. Whitney was cute as a teenager but she has grown into a gorgeous woman. I wonder, will she remember me if I were to reveal myself to her? My heart pounds with swift acceleration, just like it did years ago when I was a pimpled-face, gawky adolescent. Her dark black, shoulder-length hair frames her face with what seems to be natural curls. They look soft and bouncy to the touch. I wonder what it would feel like to reach out and touch just one. I’m sure that will be a bad idea, so I tamp down my urges. Her dark-brown skin is glowing with luminosity and health. There’s a vibrant, lively, and adoringly irresistible aura around her. It would be hard to miss her; I noticed Whitney immediately when she walked into the building tonight. I revel in her appearance and how her dress is fitted and clings to every curve of her body. She has on a vivid blue dress that is medium in length with a poufy skirt, empire waistline and short, cropped sleeves. She looks like a beautiful goddess, standing there among mere humans. Lately, I have been feeling edgy and unhappy energy coursing through me from day to day. I feel inadequate, like something has been missing from my life. My accomplishments in life no longer give me the satisfaction that comes along with me making millions from my business as owner of Hart’s Premium Construction Company. My inheritance from my grandfather helped me build my own business from the ground up but my head for business is what helped me quadruple my wealth and run a successful business. Standing here spying on Whitney, I suddenly feel like a peeping Tom. I can’t stand behind this plant all night and track her like I’m some type of predator. It’s humiliating enough to think that someone might actually see me spying on a woman I’ve got a crush on. I ease as unsuspiciously as possible from behind my camouflage and walk right past her. “I should go get a drink,” I mumble when our eyes meet. There’s no recognition in her eyes, so I keep on walking. My heart plummets, because I sense she doesn’t even remember me. The sudden awareness of her not noticing me is a soundless emotion that sinks inside. How can she not remember me? I spent the majority of my high school years pining away for her. I wasn’t a jock back then or very popular with the girls. I may have been a nerd of sorts back then, one who kept to myself quite a bit. I was nixed from playing sports, because I used to have asthma and had to depend on an inhaler to breathe. But, I’ve done pretty well from myself. Time definitely has a way of changing things. I’m no longer the shy, pimply-faced teenager, nor do I depend on an inhaler to breathe. I overcame my inadequacies in life. The only thing I never overcame was my love for Whitney Martin. “Yeah, I should definitely get that drink,” I say heading straight to the bar.

Book Giveaway

Enter to win a copy of Theresa’s new release, Loved By Hart. The winners will be announced on Sept. 4th. All you have to do is sign up to Theresa’s Newsletter and comment below the email address you used to do so. Good Luck!

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